




Unit 5 Overview: Rotation

1 min readnovember 4, 2021

Daniella Garcia-Loos

Daniella Garcia-Loos

Daniella Garcia-Loos

Daniella Garcia-Loos

AP Physics C: Mechanics ⚙️

68 resources
See Units

Unit 5 Overview: Rotation


This unit is allllll about objects that rotate! From a spinning record to a satellite, we can use this unit to describe the motion (or lack of) for these situations. Additionally, we will be making connections between this unit and previous units in ways such as demonstrating the analogs between translational and rotational kinematics.

Big Ideas

  • Force Interactions:
    • Why does a curveball take less time to reach the plate than a fastball?
    • Why is it easier to balance a bicycle when it’s in motion?
  • Conservation:
    • How can you increase your swing on a swing set without being pushed?

Exam Impact

Unit 5 will cover approximately 14%-20% of the exam and should take around 10 to 20, 45-minute class periods to cover. The AP Classroom personal progress check has 20 multiple choice questions and 1 free response question for you to practice on.