




Unit 4 Overview: Systems of Particles and Linear Momentum

1 min readnovember 4, 2021

Daniella Garcia-Loos

Daniella Garcia-Loos

Daniella Garcia-Loos

Daniella Garcia-Loos

AP Physics C: Mechanics ⚙️

68 resources
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Unit 4 Overview: Systems of Particles and Linear Momentum


Momentum, like energy, is a concept that can be easily applied in most physics scenarios, even when it isn't conserved. Momentum is easy to use to connect different units because it can be used to describe basically any system of objects in motion.

Big Ideas

  • Changes:
  • Force Interactions:
  • Conservation:

Exam Impact

Unit 4 will cover approximately 14%-17% of the exam and should take around 10 to 20, 45-minute class periods to cover. The AP Classroom personal progress check has 15 multiple choice questions and 1 free response question for you to practice on.
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